Time Travel

Our minds naturally reflect on our past and think about our future. This ability to consider different periods of time allow us to remember and learn from our past and to plan ahead in ways many other creatures on this Earth cannot. It helps us develop an understanding of ourselves and the world, allowing us to make sense of our "timeline" in a linear way. Doing so is extremely adaptive and usually serves us to grow and succeed in our lives.

But what happens when our brains are so focused on the past or future that we forget about the present? Sometimes, when our brains get carried away with this type of thinking, we may lose out on the benefits that initially served us. If we are constantly focused on our past, it's quite difficult for us to take action. We might beat ourselves up for past mistakes or wish we were back in a happy memory, leaving us feeling helpless with our present circumstances. Alternatively if we're persistently thinking about the future, we aren't getting the opportunity to ever enjoy the present. We might be planning for every "what if" we can think of, feel overwhelmed by the large to-do list, or miss out on current joys while believing we'll only be happy once we reach "that next goal."

When our minds are always wandering it can be difficult to live effectively because we can't change the past and the future isn't here yet. In both cases, we're focused on periods of time that we don't ultimately have control over. In reality, all we have control over in a given moment IS that given moment. 

With this in mind, it's helpful to take notice of where your mind tends to focus its attention. Is it in the present moment? The past? The future? Are you time travelling more than living?

As I mentioned, there is certainly value in remembering our pasts and planning ahead. But it's helpful to think of the past and future as places where your mind "visits" as-needed, rather than where it "lives." Hopefully this can be a reminder to refocus your attention back to the present in order to make values-based decisions over what you really have control over - the now.

If you find you're travelling through time more often than enjoying the present, consider reading my previous post on how to find richness in everyday moments. With practice, you can build up the skill to stay present for longer periods and savour those experiences as they're happening.