Your Friendly Neighbourhood Check-In Tool

Take a moment to check in with yourself. Yes, I mean right now.

Start by relaxing your shoulders away from your ears. Relax the muscles in your face. Including your jaw. Maybe give your arms or legs a bit of a stretch. Take a slow inhale and an even slower exhale.

Notice what your mind is doing right now. Is it present or is it focused on something else? Take a moment to listen to the dialogue and acknowledge what it's saying. No need to judge whatever is coming up, just notice. Is it focused on the past, present, or future? Is it planning, problem-solving, critiquing, judging, or simply observing?

Now shift your attention down into your body. Are you feeling hot or cold? Hungry or tired? Do you feel any sensations in your chest or stomach? Any emotions you can identify? Stay with any sensations or emotions you might notice for a little while and observe them with curiosity. Noticing a lack of sensations also counts. Notice if what you're experiencing feels like it's changing or staying still. If emotions are present, consider what signals they may be suggesting about you and your situation right now.

Now consider what you hoped to accomplish today. Again, no need to judge how far along you are. Just notice what feels important for you, based on your goals and the life you're working to build. Consider what's happened today so far - what challenges you overcame, what aspects of the day were enjoyable, what barriers you may have faced.

Identify something you're grateful for from this day already - it doesn't need to be connected to your goals. Sit in that gratitude for a moment and soak it in. Know that this part of the day went right.

What would you like to do next to make the most of your day?

Now with intentionality, go do that :)