Ongoing: Uplifting News
With the rise of the internet and growth of social media over the years, it's become nearly impossible to avoid hearing news about global catastrophes, accidents, natural disasters, war and crime, and economic and political strife. Although there is great value in being aware of local and world issues, our minds and bodies aren't really designed to be consistently focused on such topics. In fact, being bombarded with such news can be downright draining and stressful for us - particularly when there is little we can do about it. Receiving these messages, coupled with the stress they may evoke, can lead to us building a skewed and pessimistic view of the world that can impact our mood and our decisions.
In order to promote a more balanced perspective on the world, it's valuable to offset these messages with more hopeful and inspiring perspectives. By becoming more intentional with our "media diet," we can positively impact our mood and ensure we're giving the positive side of life its due credit and attention. I've compiled a list of resources below to help you access uplifting news and inspirational stories.
Disclaimer: As the ideas in the links below are not my own, I cannot validate the truth of any statements expressed. These links are simply meant to act as a starting point for you to incorporate more positivity and hope into your day.